Ramblings plus a little intro and expectations

December 28, 2018

Today happened. Not that much actually happened so it is hard for me to say anything. This is hard. So, well, here is what I am trying to do here. I am trying to write about my life. I am trying to write 500 words a day about what is going on in my life. Some days won’t be too interesting. Honestly, most days won’t be too interesting. That’s okay. This isn’t for you, this is for me, so here’s hoping I keep it up.

Why would anything actually be interesting? Welp, I am living with a variety of mental health issues. I don’t want to get into that now, but that’s fine. If one person reads this and finds out they aren’t alone that would be great. If no one reads this, that’s totally fine too. This is for me and it’ll make me feel better. Also, hopefully itll make me a better writer. It’s about quantity not quality at this stage in the game, so sorry. You aren’t supposed to share your rough stuff but I’m doing it anyway. Look at me I’m cool.

So let’s talk new year’s resolutions. I like who I am, let’s just start off right there with that. I love me. I love who I am, I love what I do and what I look like, and I don’t actually want to change anything. But, and this is a big BUT, when I stop trying to improve I tend to slide backwards, and that isn’t okay, so I am giving myself some goals. I don’t know how long they will last, and that’s okay. It’s all okay. I’m okay.

So, goals. I have two categories: writing and health. One from each category is good enough for me, so let’s go.

Writing: 500 words here OR (inclusive) 500 words in my book AND 20 words in my russian journal OR a page in my gratitude journal.

Health: Walk the dog at least a mile everyday AND the warm up sequence OR some other light exercise routine OR walk the dog another mile.

This isn’t 500 words. 500 words is about a page. UGhhh

That counts as a word. Heh. that might be a lot of this just the random words. They happen, okay? They happen to all of us, and the more there are here the fewer people will read this. That’s fine. No one has to read this. No one at all. Also probably no one will so we are fine. This is going to be so random. Do i think by any miracle I am at 500 words? Nope. I don’t. Let’s check anyway.  445, so actually not that far away. This is a dumb goal, but at least I am writing, right? Ugh ugh ugh. Let’s do this. This could be interesting. Eventually. I’ll label it well so people don’t have to read the days that are this bad. But also I can read these days if I really want too….. I won’t. This is trash, but it’s okay. I need to get it out. And it is out. We are over 500. Yes, I’m cool. Thank you.